I’m sure you’ve pondered about the meaning of life and your attitude towards a higher power. If you consider there to be one, that it. But have you ever wondered about a god’s feelings towards you? Would you still think about it if you were an egg?
The relationship between the gods of Fistbump the Sky and its inhabitants is a strange one indeed. Unlike the constant changes in faith and loyalty that you find amongst humans, the relationship between the gods and creatures have always been one of steady nonchalance. This, like most things in Fistbump the Sky, started with the Great Frog.
In the previous letter; “God is a Frog” it was revealed that Fistbump the Sky was accidentally created by a frog when he kneaded together the first seeds in the universe with the baking ingredients the evil fox was carrying, creating a strange dough which hardened and became a world called Fistbump the Sky with new life forms sprouting from the seeds embedded beneath its surface. This changed everything, except for the frog’s determination to be free.
Ever wondered about a god’s feelings towards YOU?
Having proved himself capable of creating life the now ‘Great Frog’ accidentally became a god and was offered the same position as Life and Energy, which he immediately declined. Despite his decision to strap the accident to his back and ignore it from then on, the Great Frog could not help but feel sympathy for the newborn being. Hearing their cries of loneliness, the Great Frog decided to kill two birds with one stone by teaching them how to create life of their own.
These creatures whose bodies and souls reflected the seeds from which they grew were more than thrilled to learn this useful skill and frog wasted no time in giving them this independence. You see, universe seeds were not the only things that made up the cake-world of Fistbump the Sky. There were ingredients, too. However, unlike the seeds, ingredient such as flour lacked one vital element - life.
That was when the seed being learned that in order to create life from lifeless ingredients, they would need to sacrifice themselves. Sensing that this might be a problem, the Great Frog promised them that they would be reborn. He had the power to do that now, being a god and all.
Thus, from the seeds grew beings, who in turn made creatures from ingredients. This became the origin of God Seed ceremonies during which one of the seed beings would willingly sacrifice themselves to creatures from ingredients. Having learned how to create life, these seed beings became the gods of the ingredient creatures while the Great Frog remained the god of the seed creatures, creating a religious hierarchy in the process.
As for the Great Frog? He was now able to do what he liked best - travel through the universe without a care in the world.
Stay tuned as we learn more about the fantastical world of Fistbump the Sky
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